Small Project Packages

Web Designer For a Day

$800 - $2,000

1 Work Day (8 hours)

Perfect for those who already have a website but don’t have the time to make the updates or changes.

  • Up to 5 new simple pages for your website

  • Re-organization of content (this can also include edits)

  • Add new content on pages

    • Events

    • Products

  • Updates to the website with:

    • New logo

    • New fonts

    • New colors

  • Add new features on your website:

    • Event calendar

    • Subscriptions

    • Scheduling

  • Website audits and fixes (buttons, links, and more)

  • Website SEO checks and fixes

Design Day May Include:

Website Evaluation

$100 per page

1-3 days

For the DIYers who already have website but customers find the website hard to navigate.

  • Assessing your pages based on the 10 Usability Heuristics:

    • Visibility of System Status

    • Match Between System & the Real World

    • User Control & Freedom

    • Consistency & Standards

    • Error Prevention

    • Recognition Rather than Recall

    • Flexibility & Efficiency of Use

    • Aesthetic & Minimalist Design

    • Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, & Recover from Errors

    • Help & Documentation

  • Each page will be evaluated on Desktop and Mobile interfaces.

Evaluation Includes:

If you have any questions about the process see if we answered it over in our Frequently Asked Questions or Contact Us!

If you want to talk with us you can also schedule a consultation call.