Discrimination Policy

Last Updated: April 9, 2024

I provide all Website Design services and content on this website with a commitment to inclusivity.

As such, by using this website you agree and understand that the Services provided herein shall be provided in a manner that supports inclusivity, and additionally agree(s) to undertake best efforts to act and use this website accordingly. You will not expressly or implicitly degrade any gender, sexual orientation, or religion (an “Offensive Act”). If an Offensive Act occurs (in the form of either acts or speech), your comments will be removed without warning and any communication with me whether in comments, forms, emails, or other methods, will cease.

Choosing who I work with 1:1

I do not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity), national origin, disability, age or genetic information (including family medical history).

Doing so is considered unacceptable and unkind behavior that will not be tolerated.

I am always happy to discuss a potential project with anyone, regardless of the above descriptors or any not listed. The decision to work with (or not work with) any of my clients is based solely on whether I feel I am the best designer for their specific website-related design and technical needs, as well as whether I feel we are a good personality match (to create the best environment for positive & effective teamwork throughout the project).


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